Hometown, PA

Hometown, PA

Enviro-Air was contracted to perform remedial activities at a former wire recycling facility that is on the EPA Superfund List. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) were involved in the oversight of this project. The site contained approximately 350 million pounds of heavy metal impacted waste insulation material, commonly known as fluff, in a 12-acre open pile on a 20-acre site. The clean-up activities included the following:
  • Rerouted on-site access road to a waste water treatment plant
  • Relocated above-ground utilities underground
  • Removal of fluff material from wetlands areas
  • Reshaping of the fluff pile
  • Installing a drainage system under the area to be capped and connecting to the on-site waste water treatment system
  • Isolation and containment of contaminates within the fluff pile with a multi-layered impermeable cap
  • Installing a drainage system to divert water off of the cap and into designated drainage ditches
After the impermeable cap was complete, gabions and reno mattresses were installed and the wetlands were restored with several thousand herbaceous plugs, live stakes, trees and shrubs.

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