Stream Diversion/Wetlands Remediation and Restoration
Enviro-Air Technologies, Inc. (EAT) has as much or more experience working in streams, creeks rivers or lakes than most environmental contractors. We have utilized Porta Dams, Aqua Dams, sheet pile dams and super sack coffer dams. We have installed stream diversions/bypasses as long as 1200 linear feet. Working in streams and rivers can be extremely challenging, especially in the winter months. We pride ourselves on our ability to complete these projects in a safe, timely manner.
EAT performs all of our wetland’s restoration in-house, with our own workforce. We have planted over 1 million wetland plants over the last 15 years. We have utilized a wide variety of stream bank stabilization techniques including geocells, green renos, gabion baskets, coir logs, coir blankets, boulder armament, boulder walls, coir wraps/tacos and blending of soils with bentonite to slow drainage and promote plant growth.
[ Add projects in when they are ready.]